Juan Israel Ortiz
2 min readMar 16, 2022


What is Advertising Copywriting?

You may have used advertising to promote an offer in a magazine, newspaper, radio, or television. So, let me ask you… were you able to tell if your copywriting was effective? As an AWAI-trained direct response copywriter, I have found two articles that answer the question “what is advertising copywriting” and let you know what separates good from bad ad copy.

I found the first article at Learn.org, and it’s (appropriately) titled “What is Advertising Copywriting?” This article offers an overview of the advertising copywriting field. The second article comes from the AWAI (American Writers and Artists Inc). The report, titled “What is Copywriting?” mostly revolves around the career you can build by getting the copywriting skill.

Based on the information from the articles mentioned above and my experience as a direct response copywriter, I have produced three points I believe answer the question, “what is advertising copywriting?”

1. You can use advertising to promote anything.

2. The principles of advertising apply in print and digital.

3. The rules of direct marketing allow you to understand what works.

Starting today, you should use advertising copywriting to promote any offer you have. You should also not worry about whether to use it in print or online because it works on both mediums. And you should make sure to track the success of every campaign to understand how the copy is working.

Do you have a comment or question about what is advertising copywriting? Leave a comment explaining your side of things. And if you think this article could be useful to someone you know, feel free to share it with them!

To learn more about this topic, read this article: https://www.juanisraelortiz.com/what-is-advertising-copywriting/



Juan Israel Ortiz

Direct response copywriter verified by the American Writers and Artists Institute. Sharing my thoughts on marketing, advertising, and copywriting.